The veil of ignorance - philosophically understanding the current scenario

Different people have different expectations from the society and the government. The expectation , however might be RATIONAL or IRRATIONAL. Considering the present scenario , different groups want things to happen differently -

1. The daily wage workers are worried about their wages.
2. Factory owners are worried about the high maintenance costs that may arise after lockdown.
3. Business owners are out of business.
4. The online classes for school and college students are NOT as effective as they seem.

So , how do we decide the course of action? 

Let me give you a philosophical point of view. John Rawls , a philosopher gave the idea of the "veil of ignorance". 

The veil of ignorance is an idea that talks about how we should FOR ONCE not recognise ourselves with any group , circumstances and IGNORE who we are. We should sit behind the VEIL , the veil of ignorance and look at the situations.

It is then we would be able to see a rational point of view. By being IGNORANT about ourselves, we can understand how society operates.

Our "ignorance" would result in a better understanding. Isn't it ironic?

Now , sit behind the veil of ignorance and analyse the situation we are in. You would know what to do ;)
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