Create cool stuff with absolute trash

I know the title is a bit pretentious but hang on, I will justify it by the end of this article.
Before I was about to join college, my mom asked me to discard the unnecessary stuff and that's when the idea of transforming and reusing my old stuff struck me.
So , I started working on an old, ugly pair of white shoes ( which were brown and dirty by now)
I picked up my fineliners and started drawing on the shoe.
It was turning out to be fine so I continued
I splashed some colour too and this is how they turned out to be.
They looked pretty decent and I could totally wear them now. 
I used fineliner pens , acrylic paint and a ribbon. That's all you need to show your creative talent and reuse your stuff. I'll also attach Amazon links of the material you can use.
The idea of reusing things can be used on old denims , old shoes ,mugs ; basically anything and everything.

You can connect with me on Instagram @delightedhumans or email me at ✉️. Send in your crazy creations.

Also , you can use the Amazon links to get the required material to make your creative pair of shoes.♥️ Thanks for reading.✨


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