Philosophy that makes sense- A philosophy blog

I have philosophy as one of the courses this term and though it is a common opinion that philosophy "doesn't make sense" , I realised that a few concepts do really answer the common questions that pop up in the human mind but are actually ignored.

 Deontology Vs Utilitarianism
What is right ? What is wrong?
According to Utilitarianism, anything which produces happiness or pleasure is RIGHT while anything which leads to pain is WRONG. It is basically based on maximizing the HAPPINESS for the most number of people.
Say, you have a substantial amount of drug which can CURE 5 people but the same amount can SAVE the life of one. What would you do? 
Mostly, SAVE 5. Basically, you selected the happiness of 5 over one. ULTILITARIANISM.

Then there comes deontology wherein you are RIGHT if you follow RULES , WRONG if you don't. These rules could be general rules , Religious rules or other. 
Let's take an example, 
YOU SHOULD NOT STEAL. But wait, if you steal a drug that would save someone's life,are you RIGHT? Or should you be PUNISHED?

According to Utilitarianism, you maximized HAPPINESS or UTILITY be stealing the DRUG so you are RIGHT but according to deontology you violated a RULE so you are WRONG.

We often , find ourselves in a FIX regarding different actions , decisions and their consequences. Philosophical concepts put these conflicting situations in front of us CLEARLY and give us an option to select a theory that would govern our lives.

Isn't this interesting! 
Have a philosophical idea in mind? Feel free to write about it in the comments section. :)

You can email me your opinions at ✉️ or DM me on Instagram@delightedhumans.
Thanks for reading 🌼


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