90 days that changed my life - part 2

Now I had my new hostel room and new roommates and it was time to make that room  our "home". Home , I believe is never about the place or even the family members , it's about the vibe. It's about the place where you choose to be comfortable and happy; it is not about living with the best or the most caring people or the  but about choosing to accommodate and taking care of even the evil ones. So, for me home has always been in the feeling and it was time to make room no. 16 my home. I started the process by giving an artistic touch to the walls.
"Some more polaroids can be added in the room." I thought. So I came up with the idea of hanging some pictures by tying a thread on the legs of my bunk bed.
Meanwhile , we were involved in several other activities; making new friends being the most important one among them. Some connections were forced , others happened organically. Jam sessions became the best part of my day and it was my way of bonding with people.
To be continued...
If there is anything you would like to share , you can email me at 📩delightedhumans@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram @delightedhumans or @drishti.1409 ♥️🌼


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